How Much House can I Afford?

This mortgage scenario builder lets you put in your specifics and tells you what you can spend under each program, for comparison purposes, to help you determine your best loan options and loan amount

 Create a Custom Mortgage Quote online:  This is a great way to determine which lending option suits your criteria. These purchase mortgage calculators allow quick comparison between lending programs with the scenario builder helping you figure how much you can spend on your next move.

Loan Details Comparison | shown above - Real Time Comparison for Jumbo, Zero-Down-VA, Conventional, FHA, and many other popular Mortgage Loan Options

**Loan Scenario Builder| Building your custom home mortgage quote starts here! Explore your Mortgage options based on down payment, your debt, and income. This will show you how much you can spend under each program. It’s going to give you an estimate on closing a mortgage loan in Alabama.

How much Income do I need to qualify under each loan option? See which Loan Programs offers the best mortgage Solution/Terms given my income and specific home buying criteria?

Explore Tax Benefits of Buying vs Renting a Home in Alabama: Not only are property taxes more affordable in Alabama, but so are average home sale prices.

Should I buy my rate down? See how a rate buydown would affect your next home mortgage solution?

Should I pay points for a lower interest rate? Breakeven analysis for paying points to reduce your interest rate. We see a lot of this in higher rate environments.

Extra Payment Calculators Extra Payments reduce your finance charges. Customize your planned payoff date and savings here.

  Pay particular attention to Principle and Interest calculations.


Compare Payments under Popular Mortgage Programs|by

Compare down payment requirements under each program scenario. Change programs/terms and watch results. We have noticed property tax and insurance cost appear high for Alabama counties. We will know exact amounts on these items before we close your loan. We can assist finding a realtor, insurance agent... and our closing firms are required to be excellent. We got you covered at First Equity Home Loan, Inc.  We're Alabama proud and ready to give you first rate service in any town you choose in beautiful Alabama.

*We find most tax and insurance estimates are high for Alabama counties. We'll know exact cost once insurance and tax records are confirmed. Not a bunch of HOA communities in our smaller towns. Results are hypothetical and may not be accurate. This is not a commitment to lend nor a preapproval. Consult our mortgage professional for full details.

Quick Mortgage Quote Q
USDA loan Thumbnail
Conventional Loans

A conventional loan is a type of loan that is not insured by the government. Conventional loans offer more flexibility and fewer restrictions for borrowers, especially those borrowers with good credit and steady income.

FHA loan Thumbnail
FHA Home Loans

FHA home loans are mortgages which are insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), allowing borrowers to get low mortgage rates with a minimal down payment.

VA loan Thumbnail
VA Loans

Zero-Down VA loans are mortgages guaranteed by the Department of Veteran Affairs. These loans offer military veterans exceptional benefits, including low interest rates and no ...

Jumbo loan Thumbnail
Jumbo Loans

A jumbo loan is a mortgage used to finance properties that are too expensive for a conventional conforming loan. The maximum amount for a conforming loan is $766,550 in...

"No Money Down" USDA Home Mortgage Loans: Click Here

We have Equity Solutions including Fixed Term 2nd Mortgage's, HELOC'S, and full array of refinance options. Call our Alabama Refinance Mortgage Hotline at 256-Refi-Pro for home improvements, bill consolidation, any worthwhile purpose.

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SHOULD NEVER BE COMPLICATED by First Equity Home Loan Inc. guides you through your mortgage financing and connects you directly to your loan officer for quick reliable answers and fast superior service. Serving Alabama since 1987.

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First Equity Home Loan, Inc.

Company NMLS# 204659

First Equity Home Loan, Inc.

Buying in Alabama is Easy with Relocation Mortgage Experts at First Equity Home Loan, Inc.

Serving all of Alabama's home lending needs since 1987!

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From Birmingham’s Magic City to Huntsville’s Rocket City, Mobile’s coast to Montgomery’s core— Find Your Alabama Realtor Partner—Magic Made Simple!

First Equity pairs you with Alabama’s top realtor partners. Drop your zip code below—we’ll zap your name to the right agent, plug you into our system, and kickstart your home hunt or refi. Call 256-New-Loan for purchase, 256-Refi-Pro for equity—or start here—presto, your match is made!

We are  Your Perfect Mortgage Partner in Alabama!

Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - (5-9) p.m. most nights. We're always working!
Saturday - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Jumbo's on Sunday's!!