Opt-out from Trigger lead theft!

Stop the harassing calls and credit bureau deceit-selling your private data as a hot lead when you apply for a mortgage in Alabama... 
Loan Officer Illustration

Trigger Leads Won’t Stop Us—We Crush Big Lenders Every Time

You bust your tail to earn a client’s trust. You shell out thousands to credit bureaus each month for reports. Then bam—those bureaus sell your leads to mega-lenders, even the big VA bunch, who spoof your number, pose as you, and slap your name in their Rocket directories, put our name  “First Equity” in their meta tags. They’re not just competing—they’re stealing, building pages to hijack your business. But here’s the kicker: we go head-to-head with them every time they buy our leads, and we win. Every. Single. Time. Clients don't like this harassment-we warn them in advance!

This isn’t about rates—though ours are razor-sharp and super competitive. It’s about superior service  that shines through in ways they can’t touch. Professionalism. Deep knowledge of our state. Decades of expertise that greenhorns and corporate sharks can’t fake. Our clients see it, feel it, and stick with us. Relocating to Alabama? You’re in our wheelhouse—nobody knows this market like we do.

I’ve been calling out this racket since ‘98, when I predicted the mortgage crisis as B-paper loans flooded in under Clinton and Obama pushed lender lawsuits. I’ve lobbied Congress and Senate in D.C. at my own expense for broker licensing and reforms. Now, trigger leads are the latest con—credit bureaus pocketing our fees then selling our hard-won leads to the highest bidder. The CFPB’s must be a joke, sucking up to Wall Street’s big boys while ignoring this theft from many American small businesses like ours.

The Truth

These clowns lean on campaign cash to keep this scam alive, but they can’t outrun us. We’ve got the experience—30+ years deep—and the guts to fight. They impersonate us, spoof calls for my wholesale deals, and still lose because our clients know real from fake.

The Fight

Outsmart Them: We tell clients upfront—trigger leads mean fake calls. Our service locks in loyalty.

Cut Their Fuel: Push optoutprescreen.com to choke the bureaus’ game.

Go National: Moving to Alabama? We’re your edge over the national giants. Contact us.

Get Loud: I’ve hit D.C.—you can too. Demand laws like the Homebuyers Privacy Protection Act to kill this cold. 

Trigger lead theft is personal, but we’re not backing down. Big lenders and bureaus are guilty as sin, and we’re done paying for their greed. Join us—let’s end this now. 


Call your Senator...

They love to talk about a level playing field...we want action! 


Call your House Rep!

They need to walk with their talk...stop the theft from Alabama lenders/brokers


Opt-Out Trigger Scam...

Trigger leads sold as predictive leads is a bs story, credit agencies should be ashamed!